Creative Medicine is what I call the mindful and sacred process of making art with intention. Influenced by the shamanic use of art making to help connect and heal individuals and communities, I have created a 4 part series of workshops that will help you feel a deep connection with nature as it transitions through each season by using your innate creativity. 

These workshops are intended for people ready to dive into deeper self-awareness and mindfulness in a whole new and creative way!  

**No prior artistic experience necessary!**


Creative Medicine workshops change lives in the following ways:

-       Helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

-       Helps reduce SAD (seasonal affective disorder).

-       Helps to reduce feelings of isolation.

-       Helps to increase mindfulness or amplify your existing mindfulness practice.

-       Helps you form a new relationship with nature.

-       Helps to ‘wake-up’ your innate creativity.

-       Helps ease the affects of challenging life transitions.

-       Helps deepen self-awareness.

-       Helps form a sense of community.

**Consider the current state of affairs in our country.**

Given our fear and anxiety prone culture, we need opportunities to form connection with the earth. Creative Medicine workshops are one such method to help you cut through the stress and mind-clutter.

Creative Medicine Workshops 1: 

Diving into Fall

Sunday, November 13


Location: TBA (Durham, NC)

RSVP by November 8 to reserve your spot!


Don't live in the Durham, NC area? No problem! Contact me here to receive information on how you can experience Creative Medicine Workshops at home. Our workshops utilize simple materials found in nature combined easily purchased or found items from home. I will give you the list of materials and provide the process in video format. *clay can be shipped to you for added cost